Bob Huey invited Luke, Brooke, and I to join him and Tom Sakai on a trip up the Meyson Lakes basin and to climb Mount LeConte (13,960 ft), Mount Mallory (13,850 ft), and Mount Irvine (13,770 ft). We hiked in on saturday, set up camp, and headed up a snow chute for some self arrest practice with our ice axes. On sunday we climbed back up the chute and up LeConte, then over to the peak of Mallory. By then we were pretty worn out and decided two peaks was enough. We headed back down to camp, packed up, and headed back to the car.

Getting ready near the trail head at the Whitney Portal campground.

Brooke on the trail after we'd gone up a long steep snow chute, over a pass, and onto the dry South facing slope.

Brooke and Luke after we'd reached snow again. Owens Valley is now a long way behind us.

This was part of an interesting fallen tree that we passed on the way.

Making our way past a frozen lake on our way up to where we planned to set up camp.

While we were setting up camp we heard something and turned around in time to see a huge boulder rolling down out of one of the chutes. That's the trail the boulder left in the snow.

Here's a close shot of the boulder in its final resting place all covered in snow.

Luke doing his Captain Morgan pose with the boulder.

Bob showing us his moves with a head-first on the stomach self arrest. I hope Brooke wouldn't be smiling if that was the real thing...

Now its Brooke's turn to practice.

The moon was rising as we got back to camp.

After a long day, it was finally time for dinner.

I guess we forgot to tell Luke not to leave his ice axe in the snow over night. It was nice and frozen in the morning.

Stopped to put on our crampons before we get to the steep snow.

Brooke and Bob taking a break and enjoying the view of the frozen lake we camped at and Owens Valley.

Bob and Luke taking a break before we reached the top the pass. I think you have something in your teeth Luke.

The view towards Mt. Whitney.

The group on top of Mt. LeConte.